One of the common complaints that men and women have is about their neck.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, if only I didn’t have a double chin or only if I can tighten the skin of my neck just a little bit?

Have you ever caught yourself sitting at an event with your hand covering your neck?

Do you wish you can wear tops that show your neck rather than turtlenecks to cover your neck?


Of course an option for neck rejuvenation is to do a surgical neck lift. However a lot of men and women are not ready for surgery or they don’t want to have the downtime associated with surgery. There are other options.

Every one’s neck is different. It is important to be thoroughly evaluated by a plastic surgeon to see what would be the best treatment option for you. Many times multiple different types of treatments are used together to give you the most enhanced look.

Kybella can be used to give you a more attractive chin profile. Injections are done in the office usually 3 to 4 weeks apart. The number of treatments required depends on the amount of chin fullness you have.

Commonly Kybella is used with other procedures such as Pelleve to tighten the skin further once the fullness is dissolved by Kybella.


To learn more about neck treatments call us at (212)486-2720 or visit www.drnimapatel.com

Nima P. Patel M.D. FACS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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